Third Reich : Waffen-SS Wehrpass to a Man who served both at KZ-Mittelbau & Sachsenhausen. Third Reich : Waffen-SS Wehrpass to a Man who served both at KZ-Mittelbau & Sachsenhausen. Third Reich : Waffen-SS Wehrpass to a Man who served both at KZ-Mittelbau & Sachsenhausen.

Third Reich : Waffen-SS Wehrpass to a Man who served both at KZ-Mittelbau & Sachsenhausen.

Standard format Wehrpass with Waffen-SS stamp on the grey cover, made out to a Franz Anton Maier. He initially served with a Luftwaffe Construction Battalion and on medical grounds was restricted to home-service only. In October 1942 he was promoted to Obergefreiter. September 1944 saw him transferred to 3/SS Wach Kommando Mittelbau which later became 3/SS-Totenkopf Sturmbann Mittelbau. Mittelbau-Dora was the underground facility at Nordhausen Concentration camp where the V1 & V2s were being produced at that time. Mittelbau-Dora had become an independent KZ in Sept/Oct 1944. In January 1945 he was attached to 3/SS-Totenkopf-Wachbataillon Sachsenhausen.
Very good condition with all pages clean and complete. Maier's photo is riveted in place showing him with a Hitler-style moustache.

Code: 52150

275.00 GBP