2044 items found
Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Artillerie im Osten".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Artillerie im Osten " (Artillery in the East) and shows an artillery gun-crew in action on the Eastern Front.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52399

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Spähtrupp im Karelischen Wald".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Spähtrupp im Karelischen Wald" (Reconnaissance troop in the Karelian Forest) showing riflemen sheltering behind a Panzer Mk III.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52398

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Ausschau nach dem Feind".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Ausschau nach dem Feind" (Looking out towards the enemy) and shows an SS trooper standing atop a captured French R35 tank.
There is a surface mark and crease to one corner otherwise very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52395

40.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Volle Deckung".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Volle Deckung" (Hit the deck) and shows an SS MG34 gun-pair under artillery fire.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52394

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Sturmpioniere schlagen eine Bresche".".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Sturmpioniere schlagen eine Bresche" (Assault-pioneers making a break-through) and show pioneers breaching a barbed-wire obstacle.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52391

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Kavallerie auf einem Uebungsritt".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Kavallerie auf einem Uebungsritt" (cavalry on an exercise-ride) and shows a group from an SS-Kavallerie-Brigade riding out on exercise.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52390

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Mit Floßsäcken über den Fluß".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Mit Floßsäcken über den Fluß" (With dinghies across the river) and shows assault troops crossing a river by dinghy.
Very good condition with only light handling wear.  read more

Code: 52388

45.00 GBP

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series -

Third Reich : Postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' Series - "Mit dem Floßsack zum Fluß".

Original postcard from the 'Unsere Waffen-SS' series featuring excellent photos taken by various SS-Kriegsberichter. This one is entitled on the reverse "Mit dem Floßsack zum Fluß " (with the dinghy to the river) and shows SS engineers of the Pionier-Bataillons der SS-Verfügungstruppe carrying a dinghy to the banks of the River Weichsel, September 1939.
Very good condition with only ligh...  read more

Code: 52387

45.00 GBP

East Germany (DDR) : Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) Flag.

East Germany (DDR) : Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) Flag.

Blue cloth flag with printed FDJ emblems stitched to both sides. The flag measures 96cms x 61cms and has a sleeve at one end to accommodate the pole. Very good clean condition.
(Free German Youth (FDJ) was founded in 1946 as a communist organisation for 14 to 25 year olds, both male and female).  read more

Code: 52380

45.00 GBP

WW2 Veteran's Court-mounted Group of Four Medals.

WW2 Veteran's Court-mounted Group of Four Medals.

Full-size court-mounted group of four WW2 medals consisting of : 1939-45 Star / Burma Star / 1939-45 Defence Medal / 1939-45 War Medal. Very good clean condition.  read more

Code: 52379

55.00 GBP